Apr 10, 2022
A huge expansion of products sees a streaming version of our podcast called SCP META.
Early April came and went; Michal Frackowiack came and went, but he left us with some good ideas and a plea to do more social media stuff. A product of these intensive HQ meetings resulted in SCP META, our Twitch channel which provides a visual version of our podcast, Confic Call-In. When asked why not just call it the same title as the podcast, Micahel stated "Dual branding. Plus, people hate the term "confic". Give them time. But until then, hydra that bitch."
The Twitch features the usual Saturday 11:00 AM CST show that becomes Confic Call-In. Less produced streams will take place M, T, Th, and Fri 7:30 PM CST, where Lack of Lepers, aka SCPCRNP, reacts to various confic media & on Fridays tries desperately to keep up with the content coming out of the SCP Wiki!
The shows will be available for some time on the Twitch, but will have a permanent home on the YouTube channels affiliated with the LLC.
SCP META on Twitch -- https://www.twitch.tv/scp_meta/about
Confic Magazine YouTube (All SCP META shows): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCv6ABHns-JuUW6_a9OfCbCQ/featured
LOL VLOG (All Lack of Lepers/SCPCRNP streams): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZEf1Ihfu0w_ISGp-F_qdsw
To interact and participate on SCP META, dial (316) 444-3115 when live, or leave a message at any time for the host(s) to hear. You can also participate in our Discord, or via the Twitch channel.